Sunday, May 31, 2009

make your move

So it's almost the end of the year. The end of the school year, that is. It seems to me that a lot has changed from it's beginning to it's end- one of the biggest being that as of now I seem to be constantly MIA from this website. You all can blame tumblr for my absence, and my new lack of anonymity (thanks for posting it without my permission guys -_-)

If there's anything I've learned this year, it's that love's not a competition (but I'm winning... or at least I thought so). Oh did you guys see that? Quote integration! That should boost up my essay grade! Ha ha ha.

It seems that I've learned a lot in the game of love this year. Some things I've learned are:

  • never keep a relationship a huge secret
  • never date within whatever extracurricular activity you do.
  • first kisses (if it's both of your first kisses) will be wet.
  • FCK REJECTION! Kind of.
  • boys are not as insensitive as we think they are
  • never let a someone you have romantic interest with write in your book in pen.
  • don't let your romantic interest ever keep you from doing things you want to do.
  • kissing. kissing. kissing. kissing. <3>
That's basically some of the stuff I've learned. Basically. Romantically, it seems I've learned a lot about myself. But it also seems that I have a crudload of other stuff to learn, as well. I know that my friends are always going to want to know about whowhatwhenwhere and that they'll be there for me no matter who I perk interest in.

What a year;

p.s. dude. take off my tumblr yeah?

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