Still as busy as usual, I’m going to type up this summary article very sloppily (if you’d consider it that way). It seems, though, that the Acquired Minds really were "hiding beneath" this month...
Without further interruptions...
Dragging Along – An update article, along with some talk about Political Conventions.
To work up a smile. – Dodging realities and the hidden truth.
Radio Waves of the Heart (or maybe just the head) – The never-ending issues of opposing genders.
underground or above? – Are you truly ‘legal’ at 18?
State of MIND. – The indefinite feelings of emotions.
Glass Against My Face – Simple may not be as ‘simple’ as you may think.
I A.M. a Follower – Become Acquired Minds’ follower if you’re a reader!
As I sit here and stare at my computer screen...looking at this article that I’m typing...well, it just looks so forlorn. Eight articles! Just eight. *sigh* Oh well...Septembers are never really good.
Cheers to next month’s (October's) theme: Lost in Mind.
-the clam.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
September's Theme: Hiding Beneath
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I A.M. a Follower...Are You?
If you're reader of Acquired Minds, be sure to be our follower!
Blogger has released the Follower feature for quite some time now, but I've only added it just now. On the right sidebar, scroll down until you see the Follower widget. Just click on "Be a Follower" to...well, be a follower :). Whenever A.M. updates, you'll know all about it. You'll also help us pass the word about A.M., so make sure you start following us!
In other A.M. news, we're currently testing and developing yet another branch to the blog. You can track its progress in the Info-Center (under 'Coming Soon'). It's going to be awesome once it's finished! Much thanks to M.G.E. for suggesting it.
Oh, the drama of life...
-the clam.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Glass Against My Face
Are simple things really better? People say that the best things are things that say what they mean using the fewest amount of words, or images, or etc. The things that are the easiest to take in, the easiest to understand, have the most meaning and resolve in them: but is this really true? Can something so simple, so easy to make, mean more?
At the end of the day though, does it really matter? As long as the end product works out, is it ok? Does the ends justify the means? As long as what you get from it is great…who cares…
should i stop?
or have i never started?Thursday, September 18, 2008
State of MIND.
For you, what's the greatest feeling ever??? It might be making someone smile (or better, laugh). You can get that wonderful feeling after you've just been asked out, for some, or after acing a really hard test, for others. For me, I really love the idea of being needed as a friend. It gives me a reason or role to play in life. You can always tell when someone is happy. I have a thing for those occasional moments where I just can't seem to stop smiling...Don't you just love that? (They occur as often as I'd like...)
How about the worst emotion you can get? Is it losing an important sports game, breaking up with a boy/girlfriend, failing a test? It makes me feel extremely horrible whenever my presence is not acknowledged...Don't you just hate it when you're not included in certain activities, when your left out of this and that, or when a jerk just totally ruins a perfectly beautiful day? If I lose someone special, that's pretty harsh on me, also...
Sometimes, you can get these moments where you're experiencing indefinite feelings...You can't describe them at all, and you're head is about to explode! Feelings are too real. What would happen if we didn't have emotions at all?
(P.S. Comment and share your most greatest and worst feelings...I'd like to know ;)
(Photo credits go to
Monday, September 15, 2008
underground or above?
In the minds of many young adults across the states, turning twenty one is probably the day they can’t wait for. Why? Because of the one thing they’ll have access to once they reach that age- alcohol. Many long for the day to wake up and go to Vegas to gamble and drink the night away, and some just can’t wait. Underage drinking is a big problem in the
What are the cons to changing the legal drinking age to eighteen? To list a few the main one would be that the number of drinkers in both high school and college will likely increase. People can easily fake eighteen rather than twenty-one, therefore making alcohol a larger constant in their life. Think about it, some seniors in high school are eighteen already, and with the combination of being able to legally buy alcohol and the number of younger peers around them, the results could lead to even more underage drinkers. People are influenced by others around them, and with their peers buying alcohol what do you think they’d want to do to fit in?
In an age where immaturity is ever so common and looking cool is the top priority for many (especially girls), a lowered drinking age will cause the headline ‘girl killed from drunk driving incident’ to frequent front pages more often.
Alcohol poisoning will probably happen left and right, and if underage drinkers start around the age of sixteen to eighteen, then won’t lowering the drinking age make even younger kids start to drink? Being able to drink legally at eighteen seems only a faraway idea to be laughed at to us. Or at least so some may believe.
I came across a webpage that had a petition for college students to sign in support of lowering the drinking age to eighteen. At first I believed that the reasons they were going to have would be idiotic and completely illegible, but when I read into it a little more I realized that some reasons were actually, well, reasonable.
Now many of you reading this are probably in support of changing the drinking age to eighteen because of the fact that you’re young and you just like to think like that. Our parents and teachers and basically everyone have told us all our lives that drinking is bad, and alcohol shouldn’t be consumed-ever. Despite the constant ragging however, teens being teens have rebelled and gone on to do what their parents forebode them to do- drink. What’s the point of a law that everyone breaks?
Perhaps lowering the drinking age may lower the pure excitement of it all. We as teens are known to want what we can’t have, and maybe if we were to have that object of our affection given to us earlier, the excitement of it all might fade away, leaving it to be nothing less of a normal thing that no one has to break the law to get.
At the age of eighteen you’re viewed as an adult. You’re allowed to get married, and you can serve your country. Thinking of the former, young couples seeking to marry at eighteen are restricted from drinking wine at their own wedding. For many this is a big disappointment. At the age of eighteen you are allowed the privilege to vote, and you are allowed to smoke, yet many think it is unfair that you can’t consume alcohol. If you’re considered an adult, why not get all the privileges they have instead of having to wait a full three years in order to get one simple add-on?
Although the numbers of seniors in high school lowered after the drinking age going up, the number of underground drinkers rose to a new level. Because they couldn’t do it that often or in public, drinking was brought to behind closed doors and underground, where the young drank as much as they could while they couldn’t get caught. Binge drinking was happening left and right; and binge drinking can lead to death. So although the drinking age at twenty-one still helps publicly, it’s the underground life that you can’t see that makes it seem horrible. Being twenty-one or eighteen doesn’t stop people from drinking themselves to the hospital or grave.
In places like
College parties are always about alcohol and partying, but does anyone ever stop and think about the fact that most college students are underage? If a twenty-one year old person can barely handle alcohol what makes anyone think an eighteen year old can? In the end, I’m not trying to say that the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen, but that it’s not as preposterous as many of our parents may think.
reprinted with permission from original writer;
Karma Police
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Radio Waves of the Heart (or maybe just the head)

A sensitive issue these days is the issue of the opposite genders. There are the obvious differences, the unchangeable biological differences, and then there are some similarities. It’s odd, the battle of the sexes debate is so much more, for lack of a better way to put it, unique than other kinds of discrimination. In racism, the differences are almost negligible compared to the differences in men and women. While one race can make up a large part of the world, men and women basically make up all of it. That just makes the issue all more significant and controversial.
-digital delay
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
To work up a smile.
We Wear the Mask (by Paul Laurence Dunbar)
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,--
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.
Why should the world be overwise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.
We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tortured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask!
When you're having one of those "bad days", do you mope around or fake a smile, covering up the truth? Should you lie to others, let alone yourself, or turn to a friend who might happen to be able to cheer you up? With your feelings, I think it's best not to fool others with a mask
This gets me every time,
Friday, September 5, 2008
Dragging Along
Things are obviously going extremely slow during the past five days of September. It's a really busy month for everyone, so don't expect articles popping out like wildfire such as July (although, I have to admit—I've had a bad case of writer's block...I can't think of things to talk about). Our header is especially off the norm though. I don't usually have anything related to something that people don't like to be reminded of, although school is starting again, and it was just the first thing that came to mind.
I don't have anything in particular to write about "hiding beneath". But I'll just throw a couple things out there.
How about the U.S. Party National Conventions? I didn't watch a majority of it, but the hype around it has been crazy (have you seen all those Yahoo articles that are on the main page of the site?). Hmm, the only things I know are: Sen. Obama had a giant crowd and a fancy stage, Sen. McCain's choice in Palin had caused a huge uprising—with her young experience as a governor, and also of her daughter (which I won't go into detail, because that would be rude). That's about it. Oh, and all that bashing against each other...which I find extremely funny. "No, he's not ready. I am!" *flip to the other side* "Does he seem ready for the job? No, I am!"
Anything else?... Hmm...
Okay, my writer's block is taking over again. I guess that's it for now (darn, what a short post). Hopefully, someone else is going to update this lonely place soon...
-the clam.