Finally back
During my brief hiatus, I got some new stuff, which made me pretty happy
Plenty of people hate young kids, and think they’re annoying little brats. Although to an extent, that’s sort of true. Others hate old people, thinking they’re just grumpy and arrogant. Maybe people dress different, who cares? People like different kinds of music, obviously. From folk to hip-hop, blues to jazz, maybe even some kind of blend of pop and techno, who knows? Not everybody’s the same.
Another annoying thing is people who always try to stay out of the “norm”. Those who consistently attempt to be “different” and discriminate against others for a variety of stupid reasons are the ones. These people have already formed their own label, which could be anything from weirdo to as***le. The individualist became a conformist the second he/she became an individualist. So, as I’ve said earlier before, screw you all! (not literally, but figuratively…)
optimistic pessimist or pessimistic optimist?
to love or hate?
living?...or just existing?
living to die? or dying to live?
-Digital Delay
lol, or eating to live, or living to eat? haha
I agree with you about the individualist/conformist thing. Why would they feel the need to try so hard to be different and stand out from the crowd if they didn't feel comfortable with who they really are? So what if someone likes something that's popular or mainstream? That's their opinion and they have every right to say so without someone judging them. Why does their opinion concern you anyway? I love the ending by the way. And you finally signed off!!! Wow this comment is way too long... But hey! I'm notorious for them.
optimistic pessimist or pessimistic optimist?
to love or hate?
living?...or just existing?
living to die? or dying to live?
I LOVE that.
U've inspired me to write a new aritcal :]
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