Easy ways to keep yourself alive when you're afraid of burning the house down because you do not know how to use the stove.
Now, before you say anything, cooking isn't just a chick thing, guys can cook, too. There's no need to be embarrassed of it. I can not cook that well, but I can manage to survive without my mommy. Um, er, did I just say mommy? I meant Mother. Yes, that's what I meant to say. Ehem... Alright, moving on.
You can make many things without using the stove, but guys, if you have to, please exercise caution.
1. Cold Cereal
Ingredients: Cereal and Milk.
Directions: Stir the cereal and milk together. It doesn't matter which goes first, just remember the bowl. Serves one person.
2. Sandwiches
Ingredients: Bread, and...stuff to put in the bread...
Directions: Put the stuff inside the bread...and then you...eat it...
3. Cheese and Crackers
Ingredients: Cheese and, er, crackers...
Directions: You put the cheese on top of the crackers.
4. Hot Pockets
Ingredients: This little thing that's called a hot pocket.
Directions: Put the hot pocket in the microwave, and put 45 minutes on the turntable. Take the plastic wrapper off and wrap it in a piece of aluminum foil. Once you see a blinding light go off in the microwave, your hot pocket is ready.
I make it like that all the time. The fire department had to come most of the time, but other than that, my hot pocket tasted okay. A little burnt, but still okay.
5. Left overs
Microwaving left overs is a good way to satisfy your hunger. Cover the plates with this see through foil-ish thing, stick them in the microwave, and press the buttons for the turntable.
6. Campbell's Soups
Stick the whole can in the microwave and watch it explode.
There'll be more random advice in my next post. Remember to check for more updates from the group.
Nathaniel Stanton
My bad, I don't how it happened, but the second comment by I deleted somehow. Sorry, ma'am.

hotpockets for 45 minutes in the microwave?!?!? LOL no wonder its burnt... hmmm CAJUN STYLE!!!!
ermm... campbell soup can in the microwave huh? youre just asking for it from your parents when they come home. LOL
great advice nathaniel! thanx bunches! now i will never go hungry again!
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