There is one emotion, in my opinion that can draw people together more than any other. It’s not sadness, revenge, bitterness, jealousy, it’s happiness and laughter. Would you rather see someone with a big smile on their face, or someone who looks like they’re about to break down? Not that there’s anything wrong with breaking down, but happiness and laughter can go ten times farther. Do you ever look back in your life and say, “remember that time we just pummeled, that day sucked”, no, you look back at the happy times, the times that made you laugh. You don’t want to remember the bad things, you want to remember the things that filled you with joy, and it can bond people, maybe very different people, but people nonetheless.
A T.V. show that can successfully incorporate humor just got twenty times better. Even a serious drama that has times a witty light-heartedness can make you laugh and cry. All of my favorite shows do and a few of my favorite movies too. My favorite show of all time, Stargate-SG1 made a living out of witty puns and clever jokes. At the same time, in single one episode, it had more drama and emotion than a whole season of one of those crappy dramas.
Laughing is associated with good times, fair enough, and not being bummed out. Sure you can’t laugh all the time, but when you do, you’ll remember it more.
Is there anything for you that makes you smile almost every single time? Something that makes you think, gosh, why do people need alcohol, drugs, and crap to help? Well, maybe it’s not as strong or something, but it sure works for me.
Anyway, isn't laughing good for you too?
-digital delay

1 comment:
An excellent post, like the one before. I offer only these short musings as food for thought:
Only one emotion truly draws people together - pain and anguish. A fun party or a good laugh can break the ice, but the experience of a shared pain can bring two or more people so much further. Yes, we look back to the happy times that made us laugh; but we hold privately in our most intimate of thoughts those who stood by us when times were hard. We must remember the rough times in life to remember who we can trust during the good ones.
How much of our entertainment media is saturated with simple, witless jokes to keep our minds from acquiring any sort of critical thought? Humor is a craft in of itself, to be sure; but let it not be a tool to keep us unconscious in thought.
When times are fair, it seems as if we can get along with anybody, but it is only during our tribulations that we know who is a fair-weather friend as opposed to a friend for life.
Everyone has a secret pain - a wound from which they will forever grapple with, or at the very least a scar which will never fade. What carried you through that hard time? Who helped you tend your wounds? Think not just of how that experience made you stronger, but how that experience made you who you are.
And yes, it is.
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