Ahh.....Monday Monday Monday
That dreaded day, it just never stops coming now does it?
Every week, we see it coming. Every week, we just wish it never came. Sadly, every time, there's never much we can do. The day you know you have to go back to that place, whether it be work, school, or anything else. That stifling place, the one that suffocates your very brains. Whatever that place is, it tires you to just be there. You'd rather sit at home and honestly do absolutely nothing, just plain relax, and finally listen to OK Computer in its entirety. The very environment at the place is poison. It's not exactly the people(ok, maybe sometimes), or even the work(probably not true). It's a place you wish you weren't at. You feel bogged down, drowsy, and sick of the feeling you get when you're there. The malaise you experience there can't be eased once you get home. It carries over to the very place of sanctuary in your life.
That's how society is these days. Adults stuck in dead-end jobs, with little to no excitement in their lives. Whining kids are stuck in school, no wonder they're a bother. School's such a despondent place to be at. It's almost like prison come to think about. You can't get out until allowed, you have to what you're told, hopes are stomped on, and reality is shoved up your ***.
Not that I'm saying school's bad, or the people, staff, or students are either. Education's important, the once again, its the environment. You don't even really want to be yourself. Sure, it can be safe, full of learning (supposedly), but that doesn't actually bring kids peace of mind(except knowing you, hopefully, won't get shot there or something). Few things today are truly full of contentment. Perhaps the joy of a young child, and some others I can no longer bring into memory.
The only way you can escape any of that is if you're famous or something. Then again, with the bonds of responsibility in a conventional manner broken, a new set are bound upon you. You have to be a good role model, continue your success, or you'll lose it all. That's serious pressure right there. Just look at how many celebrities crack and break these days. Can't tell which is better, probably neither. The questions is, is there anything better than all that?
Sometimes you just need an airbag to fall right into. A giant pillow to jump off a cliff into, just to release yourself from the chains of everything else. You can't do this all the time, though. If you let yourself go too much, you'll end up doing stupid stuff. You start talking too much, you say the wrong thing. Maybe you end up saying nothing at all when you should have. You let down others and yourself all the time. Yet, you just can't bring yourself to say sorry. No, you're not a jerk or anything(maybe), but you can't bring yourself to say something.
The only thing you can end up doing, is something I would know nothing of. Everyone has their own ideals, dreams, leisures. The best you can do is try and follow them, while being realistic and reasonable. You still have to let go every now and then, though. Sounds impossible doesn't it? Well, it's not, and if it is, who cares. Just be gregarious(depends on yourself) and joyful.
What are you willing to do (for a Klondike Bar) to stop Mondays?
bass(better than Only in Dreams?), the tremolo arm (sustainer?), utter genius, and some weird noises the
on the subject of(absolute, mind blowing, magic) tremolo arms
your laugh of the day !!!!maybe another ???

1 comment:
"Sometimes you just need an airbag to fall right into. A giant pillow to jump off a cliff into, just to release yourself from the chains of everything else. You can't do this all the time, though. If you let yourself go too much, you'll end up doing stupid stuff. You start talking too much, you say the wrong thing. Maybe you end up saying nothing at all when you should have. You let down others and yourself all the time. Yet, you just can't bring yourself to say sorry. No, you're not a jerk or anything(maybe), but you can't bring yourself to say something."
I love that. Seriously.
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